What exactly is Puppy Play & Learn?  

Puppy Play & Learn is a SAFE SPACE, for puppies aged 9-20 weeks to learn with other puppies (6 max), how to interact & play appropriately, and to practice their social skills for their future.  Supervised by Multi-Accredited Professional Dog Trainers

Our Floors are Sanitized Before and Between sessions!

Sessions are held as follows: 
Every Wednesday @ 5:30pm & 6:35pm
Every Sunday @ 3:30pm & 4:35pm  
There is a short potty break mid way. 


Step 1 
Click  >>> HERE <<< to complete our Puppy Intake Form.   (no purchase required).
Step 2
Check your email right away for our 'Welcome to Puppy Play & learn' email. Check spam if you don't see it
Step 3
Bring Your Puppy for and watch your Puppy Play & Learn! 
As soon as your puppy intake is received, your Puppy will be automatically enrolled, and can Join us Right Away!

Sessions are held :Every Wednesday evening at 5:30pm & 6:35pmEvery Sunday afternoon at 3:30pm & 4:35pm Sessions are 40 mins long Includes a short potty break mid way

There you'll find a 'Welcome to Puppy Play & Learn' email, with a few simple instructions, like how to prepare, where to park, etc.

On Mondays we send a reminder email about Wednesday's upcoming PPL sessionsOn Fridays we send a reminder email upcoming PPL sessionsSchedules with your puppy's placement are emailed on Tuesday and Saturday evenings.
Play / interactions are all Narrated by a  Certified Professional Dog Trainer, so that Guardians get to watch and learn too, while  their puppies:

Meet new people and other puppiesPractice social skills, learn healthy playBuild confidence through interactions, safely experiencing novel items/ objects & soundsLearn a soft mouth (bite inhibition)

Why do we accept puppies so young, and before having ALL their shots? 

We follow the American Veterinary Society for Animal Behaviour's Position Statement on Puppy Socialization, which states that the  MOST IMPORTANT time for positive socialization, ends at approximately 12 weeks of age!
Click   >>> HERE <<< to read the statement. 
How does Puppy Play & Learn (PPL) work? 

Upon entering the facility, families with their puppies are directed to sit in a specific area, while keeping their puppy on leash, until all gates and doors are locked.  

Next, through thoughtful integration, when directed by the trainer, puppies leashes are removed so that they can begin to move around the area, meeting one another.  The trainer narrates and describes the puppies social interactions.

These positive experiences significantly help to shape young puppies into confident and happy puppies, so as they continue moving through development, they are in the best position for success.

We also take breaks and share techniques with families around how to help their puppies learn to settle themselves, and to lay calmly in proximity to the others, without always having the expectation of play.  A Calm Puppy is Priceless!

Especially Shy or Fearful Puppies receive extra support.  They may held in our arms, or may be nearby with their family in a separate comfortable and safe area, able to observe the other puppies.  We also have a buy one session, get one session free for these special pups to give them the maximum opportunity for building confidence!  

Later, these pups may be gently introduced to one, or more hand picked puppies, (by the trainer), always ensuring that their experience is positive and successful.  

Extra bouncy puppies, are just as important to support.  Staff may pause play with gentle interruptions, and / or create space to lower arousal levels. 

"It is truly amazing to watch each & every puppy transform, often over just a few sessions". Cathie Tims