What is Rally 'O'?  It's Dog Obedience with a Fun Twist!  
In Rally 'O', the handler and dog work their way through a pre-set course, with signage directing them to do a specific skill at each station, all while in heel position.  As you weave and maneuver through the course, using your obedience skills, such as, heeling, sit, down, stand, and stay, it feels like you are doing a dance routine with your pup.  

The focus is on creating a lively and positive connection between you and your dog, making it a rewarding experience for both newcomers and seasoned trainers!.  

Rally Obedience 'Rally O' - 4 SPOTS AVAIL (Starts May 14th)

Rally Obedience  'Rally O' - for ages 6+ Months (Pre-requisite, at least one full series of one of our group classed, or equivalent) Rally Obedience is a dog sport where you get to practice and refine...

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Specialty classes are offered with a minimum 3 on the waitlist.

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