Reactive to Relaxed

Start date: Sunday, July 16th 2023 
End date: Monday, July 30th, 2023
Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm (90 minutes weekly)

Your Instructor - Cathie Tims, CPDT-KA, FFCT, Cert. SA Pro.

This Science & Reward Based Training  VIRTUAL class is 3 weeks in length 90 minute each week.

Throughout classes we will touch on these important subjects specific to Reactive dogs: 

  • Why dog's do what they do, and why concerning behaviours increase in intensity and frequency
  • Understanding what your dog is saying to you, ie body language
  • The critical roles of management, prevention, decompression 
  • Emotional health, yours as well as your dogs'

  • Building trust and a joyful on leash connection, beginning with foundation skills
  • Emergency techniques when faced with triggers while on walks
  • Leash walking & Recall pattern games
  • How to help your dog change it's emotional response to triggers, not always / only Counter Conditioning with food

Cost: $250.00 plus tax

When you complete this program, you will be eligible to join our ongoing bi weekly, Reactive Dog Club meet up, where you will have opportunities to practice outdoors in a controlled setting, with other dog guardians, just like you!